Taiwanese Dong Ding Mountain Wulong Tea
Dong Ding is a mountain in Nantou county of central Taiwan. This is the original wulong tea growing area and produces the most famous wulong tea in Taiwan.
Around 1885 the scholar Ling Fong Chi went to China to study. When he returned to his home in Lu Gu on Dong Ding mountain he brought with him 36 tea plants from Wu Li Shan as gifts for relatives who had supported his stay in China.
He gave away 32 of the plants and kept 4 for himself. All 36 plants were grown in the Lu Gu area which has an elevation of 743 meters.
Conditions proved ideal for wulong tea. The area gets morning sunshine followed by afternoon mist which produces a tender and fragrant wulong tea that is of the highest quality.
20g or 40g
Steeping Temperature: 82-90°C Bring water to a boil, let rest for 3-4 minutes to come to temperature and then pour over leaves
Steeping Time: 1 - 3 minutes; Can be resteeped multiple times
Ingredients: Traditional process, small batch crafted and formed wulong tea